Elisa Medhus, M.D.

Raising Children Who Think for Themselves

How do you raise children to govern themselves through their inner voice of reason, listening to their own integrity? A child of any age will benefit when she or he learns how to follow inspiration and intuition. Readers learn from this book the special qualities common to all self-inspired children and the crucial differences between internal and external direction.

The core of the book illustrates the seven key strategies necessary to raising self-inspired children:

  • Creating a family environment conducive to self-inspiration
  • Teaching children how to develop effective internal dialogue and avoid counterproductive internal dialogue
  • Using empathy training
  • Teaching children to develop and rely on their intuition
  • Using guidance strategies that encourage internal direction
  • Helping children develop defeat recovery skills so that they remain self-inspired
  • Teaching children how to handle different external influences in a self-inspired way
  • A special section covering close to one hundred different child-rearing and behavior problems, from body piercing to whining wars, offers solutions that are self-directed.

Published: May 10, 2001
ISBN: 978-1-58270-047-2
Pages: 224
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches